1-1a2e6a The dark matter of mind is multilayered, differentially manifested, and variously derived from the experiences of living
2-1a4 ‘Language instinct’ - Language can’t exhaust mind
5-2 What counts cannot be counted
1-1a2e8a We see symbolically and not otherwise
1-1a2e8 ‘Seeing’ really occurs after going through (or together with) emicization
1-1a2e9 Emic vision = Interpreting what you are seeing as symbols
7-1a6a Successful founders see different problems
1-2g1c Memes beat genes. We will see what cannot be seen with new knowledge and new technology.
10-2g You can’t extract the meaning from the words only, because the explicit (seen) is built upon the inexplicit (unseen)
1-2g1b What matters is the explanation, and not what you can see
3-1c1b You are what you think and you think what you see, and you see what you think
2-1c ‘Opportunity costs’ - Look beyond the obvious. See what’s hidden.
1-1a2e9b When ‘properly’ emicized by the culture, we see what’s not there and can not see what’s there

Importance of paying attention to the subliminal
E.g., meditation, dreams, taboos
5-1b4c4a Taboos likely can offer gateways to your unconscious
5-1b4c4 Pay attention to your ‘taboos’ - If there is something you fear unconsciously, you have to face it
1-1c6a1a Pay attention to what can’t be said (e.g., taboos)
4-1d0 Look at the whole of conversations, including how things are being said as well as what’s not being said (e.g., taboos)