Get the f--- off local host, as soon as possible. Ideas must be tested with real users as quickly as possible through constant deployment and experimentation. 4-1a3a Imaginary problems lead to imaginary feedback, and that’s not feedback. Building in public usually gets you the first two of 6-3b2e Network effects + Feedback loops + Composability = Exponential growth.

Put differently, 1-1a5b4.3 build-launch-measure-learn and iterate - don’t restart.

Masahiro Sakurai, a creator of Super Smash Bros, also emphasized the importance of nudging players to play hit that RETRY button as soon as possible (9-4b3e3d リトライの操作を迅速にすること・させること).

RUL3 - Love bad news. Always question to falsify your idea and theory. Invalidate ASAP. How fast you can invalidate matters as much as how fast you can build them. Rule out bad explanations.