1-2h A good explanation makes it harder to fool yourself
9-1a1 People who converge upon the truth converge with each other
1-1a5b1 Unpublished essays and deleted sentences are like experiments that get inconclusive results
9-4b2a1c The moment you write about any societal problem in depth you’ll find yourself writing a history of that problem
9-4b3a Write a bad version 1.0 as fast as you can

Crazy connections:
RUL3 - Create something, or become someone, that is hard to duplicate (‘Barriers to entry’)
10-2g1b1 Scientific discourses are less fallible because the fundamental theories of physics are exceedingly hard to vary
9-4b2a1b Build the Idea Maze - Explain the history around an idea, and why yours is a good one. Virtually render the history of the evolution of that idea.
These are related in the sense that good explanations are hard to come by, and scientific theories are prime examples of good explanations that are hard to vary. That that less fallibility comes from scientific community’s constraints (shared symbols, shared knowledge structure, shared culture). That if you can form a good Idea Maze, that is as good as forming an accurate virtual-reality. That good explanations are hard to come by means if you find one that can become great barriers to entry for others.
9-2a2 You have to figure out where you are going by living abductively via surprises
3-1c1b You are what you think and you think what you see, and you see what you think

9-4c1 If you can’t write about it, you can’t code it. If you can’t program it, you don’t understand it.

9-4d A good essay = importance (do I want it) + novelty (did you think about it a lot) + correctness + strength