3-1c3a We are not interested in where the knowledge came from
4-1a4 Each new conversation is a fresh start
1-2f1b Analog computation cannot accommodate error-correction. Information that cannot be reliably retrieved is not really being stored.
10-2g1a Science emerged from culture

9-2a1a キャラ (物語思考) ≠ キャリア (「自己分析」) — Don’t obsessed with where it came from, think about where it’s going)
9-2a2 You have to figure out where you are going by living abductively via surprises

Against justified-beliefs:
3-1c3a2 情報の起源に触れることは物理的に不可能
1-1a4c1 Emergence is another beginning of infinity. Knowledge is based on and consists of emergent phenomena.
1-2g2b Humans are significant insofar as we can create knowledge
The quest for truth ≠ A quest for certainty-justification-necessity (what matters is the explanation, not where it came from — even if gods reveal to you something it is just as fallible as ever)
AN3C - Piraha doesn’t differentiate ‘reality’ and ‘dream’

RUL3 - Any system should be measured by how much it can help with whatever its output.

3-1c3b1 You don’t take notes to know where the knowledge came from (justification), but to use it in the future, to solve problems.