9-4b2d1 Explanatory knowledge creation ≠ Biological knowledge (the former, specifically scientific knowledge, is more composable, and thus more universal)
10-2g2e9c Life has been creating knowledge by conjectures
But only humans are self-aware of that fact:
[[1-2g2e What science and creative thought in general achieves is unpredictable creation out of nothing. That is, creation of knowledge. And so is biological evolution (i.e., life).

10-2g2c Indexes are physical because they merely ‘indicate’ and hence do not require culture. Symbols are cultural. Put differently, indexes are analog and symbols digital.
10-2g2c1 Symbols are universal. Being arbitrary and contingent means it can represent anything, and do everything.

This is because we use symbols. There is no meaning if you only use indexes (and also icons). In other words, there is no meaning if your system is analog. Put differently, digital systems are inherently symbolic.
1-2f1b Analog computation cannot accommodate error-correction. Information that cannot be reliably retrieved is not really being stored.
3-1c3c Keep each ideas separately, because there is nothing absolute and necessary in the connections I make between them

Human minds are capable of knowing what ideas mean because we are enmeshed in culture. Minds cannot exist without culture.

We cannot think without symbols. Symbols make us humans.

Symbols = Information ?