9-2a3b Don’t pick up anything which has certain downside. Avoid bullshit.
9-4b2b1a We are free insofar as we can create knowledge
8-1a What can go digital will go digital

1-2f1a Error-correction is the beginning of infinity. All jumps to universality occur in digital systems.
9-4b2b The evolution of ideas (memes) is somewhat intentional, whereas that of genes are random AND cannot be rejected
1-2f2 Popperian epistemology is universal, because it allows any knowledge to be created

1-2f1b3a1 The question is not whether anomalies happened in the past, but whether we have explanations for such anomalies.

Popperian epistemology allows your knowledge to grow forever because it is digital, meaning it fixes its errors by rejecting bad ideas. It either keeps or discards (binary). Other epistemologies are analogue and keep both new and old theories by rating them on degrees of truth (or probabilistic truth). They are bounded because they can’t correct errors.