10-1b7 Culture and grammar shape each other through their evolved symbiotic relationship


10-2g1f2c It’s as though everything from culture-grammar-symbol-DNA-brain evolved so that high accuracy correspondences were made easier to achieve

Somewhat crazy connection (listening to someone became more difficult because these days everyone can ‘publish’ anything):
4-1d3 The most effective communication is to listen
8-1c3a Internet turned everyone into publisher. Crypto can turn everyone into investor.

But that what is intrinsic to humans (e.g., recursive thought) remains even with such symbiotic ongoing evolution? Maybe not, considering our universality. That is, our contingency-arbitrary way of existing.develop
10-2d2 ‘The tools for thought’ do not necessarily have to accommodate recursiveness, because we can think recursively nonetheless
10-1b9 Ethnogrammatical studies are to explain the linkage between nonlinguistic evidence and noncultural evidence
10-2g2c1 Symbols are universal. Being arbitrary and contingent means it can represent anything, and do everything.

But humans became self-aware of THAT (brains and symbols evolve reflexively to deal with cultural pressures) and achieved universality