[Polity-county will be evaluated and traded]develop
[Where it is will matter less, and what it cares will matter more]develop

12-1a2a Crypto is network-ideological movement and doesn’t differentiate Chinese and Americans
12-1a3 The tangible and explicit (can) come in last in the evolution of organic community

9-2a0 The Identity Stack - To build something great means becoming someone’s top primary identifier
I.e., truly bottom-up because 10-1b3 Sapir - ‘Culture is not something given but something to be gradually and gropingly discovered’ and because 1-2g2q1 Science is about independent replication. Only trust as scientific truth what can be independently verified-replicated. 9-1a1 People who converge upon the truth converge with each other. But remember: 10-2g1f2a Our brains (including our emotions) and our cultures are related symbiotically through the individual, and that neither supervenes on the other, that is, 3-1a4e システムとユーザーはつながっているだけでなくハウリングしあっている.develop