5-2 What counts cannot be counted
1-2g1b What matters is the explanation, and not what you can see
1-2g1b1 Predicting the same outcome doesn’t mean they have the same explanation

10-2g3d Behaviors can be replicators even when its meanings are not (properly) understood, because we can guess the meaning of memes. For rational memes, knowledge is THE replicator.
10-2g3d1 Humans do stupid things because we can guess and create meanings. Other life-forms don’t have that ability to create knowledge actively. Our ability comes with a great cost of potentially doing very (infinitely) stupid things.

Crazy connection (in the sense of genes can be only said to embody knowledge but can never be guaranteed to be correct):
1-2g2j1b Accuracy in virtual reality = The relationship between theory and experiment in science. That is, you can never prove-experience-measure-certify that it’s accurate-true program.
5-2c2c The probability of extinction is effectively independent of its age (Van Valen)
1-2 We are fallible

10-2g1f2 Culture (also) shapes phenotype for humans (Culture ⇒ Phenotype)