1-1a2e3 Cultures are evolution’s ultimate solution to the problem of providing adaptive flexibility
10-1b6 Culture ⇒ Culturally invented symbols ⇒ Language (Culture invents things. Everyone is part of a culture. Every individual learning take place within culture. Every invention is built up over time, including language.)
10-2g2c1 Symbols are universal. Being arbitrary and contingent means it can represent anything, and do everything.
10-2g2c1a Universality of symbols - if one specie can manipulate symbols, then that species can understand any other species who also use symbols

10-2g1d Humans are the apex predators because we plan, share knowledge, and leave knowledge for future generations, by talking to each other. We are knowledge-oriented.

1-2g1c2b 人間は外的な記号

10-2g1f2b The brain and symbols evolved reflexively to enhance communication to deal with cultural and sexual selectional pressures.
1-1a2a1 Human nature is variable (Cultures ⇒ Flexible human brains ⇒ Variable dark matters ⇒ Variable ‘human natures’ ⇒ Cultures …)

10-2g2c1 Symbols are universal. Being arbitrary and contingent means it can represent anything, and do everything.
10-2g2 Culture invents symbols, and the core of language is the symbol
10-2g3d1 Humans do stupid things because we can guess and create meanings. Other life-forms don’t have that ability to create knowledge actively. Our ability comes with a great cost of potentially doing very (infinitely) stupid things.