10-2g1f2a Our brains (including our emotions) and our cultures are related symbiotically through the individual, and that neither supervenes on the other

10-2g1f3 We can only figure out what they know by what they do (‘performance’), because we can never directly study what people know (‘competence’). To assert that we can is a common error in thinking.

Culture is more powerful than genotype in affecting human phenotype:
1-1b Memes are more powerful than genes because they can out-evolve them
1-1a Culture and technology can influence our perception of what human mind is — explicitly, inexplicitly, and unconsciously
7-1d2a The relation between technology and the problem-situation (i.e., culture and mind) is reflexive
1-2g1c4 Technology is what makes us humans
6-1 Understanding one’s health requires understanding one’s environment, because culture and technology affects both what we do inexplicitly and unconsciously
Barefoot shoes and toe
Mobile phones and posture
Pirahas’ body dimensions are constant

You have to look at the whole of culture:
10-1b Culture is set of ideas which affect behavior including unconscious ones like skills, expectations, and emotional preferences.
10-1b6 Culture ⇒ Culturally invented symbols ⇒ Language (Culture invents things. Everyone is part of a culture. Every individual learning take place within culture. Every invention is built up over time, including language.)
10-2g2e6a Science is about understanding the whole of reality, of which only an infinitesimal proportion is ever experienced
10-2f1 Chomsky’s UG approach only looks at a subset (syntax) of a subset (language) of the whole (communication system — ‘the gestalt’). Syntax is only secondary to conversation.

However, we are still biologically affected as well:
1-2g1e Our biological bodies are (still) encoded in genes. Often times it is helpful to understand our biological-default tendencies-biases.
2-1 Mental models (着せ替え・持ち替え・言い換え)