2-1a Information is in the difference. No difference, no information. 情報とは差異. 区別のないところに情報は生まれない.

2-1e1 ‘Layer-1’ & ‘Layer-2’ phrasing is probably not the best analogy-understanding-topology
2-1e2 Both ‘underlying’ assets and ‘derivatives’ can be considered as ‘contingent claims’
2-1e3 実体経済も市場経済も等しく経済
3-1a4c Market and non-market categorization is arbitrary
12-1a2b Crypto is the new ‘nation’ that can take over the US

Remember: 12-1e Nothing is necessary = Everything is contingent
1-2b In the quest for truth, what matters is the explanation and not where it came from, because even if gods reveal something to you it’s just as fallible as ever (the quest for truth ≠ a quest for certainty-justification-necessity)
1-2b0.5 We crave necessity because we are contingent
3-1c3c Keep each ideas separately, because there is nothing absolute and necessary in the connections I make between them

12-1b The only certainty is rising volatilityvolatility

Already happening (and accelerated by tech and woke) for:

  • Gender
  • USD
    • From something that must be reformed to something exit-able

Tech is about technical possibility
It could’ve been that way
7-1b4b You can let the tech decide what are the problems to be solved. Otherwise, it will decide by itself. It’s about possibility and not about should.
Woke is about political possibility
It doesn’t have to be this way
5-2a3 People fight over tangibles
1-2f1b4 The content of a theory is in what it rules out (and how!)
1-2f1b3a Deutsch - ‘Nor is a person capable of making progress merely by virtue of being willing to drop a theory when it is refuted; one must also be seeking a better explanation of the relevant phenomena. That is the scientific frame of mind.‘
1-2f1b3a2 Don’t just complain but solve!develop