10-2g2c0e Synechism - the idea that everything is connected and nothing can be understood in isolation
4-1a4b6a1 Future self is enough of an audience
10-2e9 Variants do exist in the multiverse - not in the past or in the future, but they literally do exist somewhere in the multiverse!
10-2e6 Any theory must account for the meaning of ‘the future’ and ‘the past’ because both are arbitrary abstractions and do not exist objectively in reality
10-2g2c0c We don’t think at the moment (we don’t ‘generate’ ideas), our thinking is connected
10-2g2c0d Semiotics is a theory of how human experience grows by means of the mediating structures we create, and derives from phenomenology (philosophy of things we experience)

1-2g1c3c Self = A sequence of experiences (‘recursive definition of the self’)

  • Self = A memory of skandhas

    • In Buddhism there is anatman, “no-self,” meaning that there is no essence of an individual human, just the set of experiences they pass through, their apperceptive histories (or in Buddhist terms, the skandhas: form, sensation, perception, mental formations, and consciousness).
      • How we come to have taste experiences and how these ultimately give us our sense of what we like to eat, contributing to our very sense of “self” and personality illustrates Everett’s point
        • Buddhism = Everett = Hume
          • Self = A sequence of experiences
            • “A recursive definition of the self”
  • Our mental and social experiences ⇒ Our emergent selves
