Etic vision = Indexically seeing

  • We “put things together” to form our gestalt
    • This connecting dots = ‘Emic vision’

1-1a2e9a Culture defines the Black Swan
1-1a2e9b When ‘properly’ emicized by the culture, we see what’s not there and can not see what’s there
1-1a2e9c Culture is technology
1-1a2e10 There is no such thing as objective meaning

A priori reasoning is possible only in the presence of prior experience:
10-2g2c0c We don’t think at the moment (we don’t ‘generate’ ideas), our thinking is connected
10-2g2c0e Synechism - the idea that everything is connected and nothing can be understood in isolation
10-2g1f2a3 Everett on Descartes - Dualism is one of the worst error ever introduced into philosophy, and simply ignores evolution
10-2g1f2a2 You can’t separate the mind from the context-culture-body that generated-evolved it. Cartesian dualism is arbitrary categorization-abstraction.

We start with theories (cultural) but recalibrate them (e.g., towards scientific ones) as we go about life:
10-2g1b Science is headed towards less and less parochialism because we can be honest with what knowledge is. That is, towards universality.
10-1c Culture is an abstract network shaping and connecting social roles, hierarchically structured knowledge domains and ranked values. It’s dynamic and subject to change.
9-4b2a2 Memes can be transmitted from anyone to anyone