4-1a5 Don’t get obsessed with the failure rate, because what matters is where it’s going and not where it came from
1-1a6 To live is to live like a detective
9-4b3e1 Concise explanations accelerate. It helps others understand you better and faster at all scales.

9-2a3a Pick up the biggest upside potential
9-2a4 Specifically, be long volatility with people’s ability to create new knowledge

RUL3 - Any system should be measured by how much it can help with whatever its output.

2-1a2 See clearly - 解像度を高める
5-1b1a8c 決断 ≠ 判断 (the former precedes the latter — why you start out with some end-state of the world you’d like to achieve and live in)
7-1a2a You will be solving universal problems by attending to local-parochial problems first
8-1c4d5b There are many ways by which apps, platforms, and people can interact reflexively
7-1d2a The relation between technology and the problem-situation (i.e., culture and mind) is reflexive
8-1c4 ‘Killer application’ is knowledge-technology-universality that begets reflexivity between app-platform-people by pushing people over the threshold
5-1b1a Technology itself should be the kind that begets and benefits from volatility
8-1c5 Look for Lollapalooza, or system equivalent of critical mass, or chemical equivalent of activation energy, alloying, and catalysts