5-1 When you are long truth you are long volatility and time
7-2 Long optionality, volatility, change
10-2g2c2 Human minds are capable of knowing what ideas mean
10-2g2e6 Abstraction is the unseen

10-2g3d1 Humans do stupid things because we can guess and create meanings. Other life-forms don’t have that ability to create knowledge actively. Our ability comes with a great cost of potentially doing very (infinitely) stupid things.

10-2g3e We are, and will be, transitioning from anti-rational memes to rational memes

Crazy connection (情報 = 差異の点において):
10-2f3a Learning human languages consists of constantly conjecturing-guessing the meaning of the words being used

Crazy connections:
10-2g1f1 Natural selection can only operate on phenotypes (physical attributes) and not on genotypes (the knowledge bearing entity). The same (or similar) phenotypes doesn’t mean they share the same genotype.
1-2g1b1 Predicting the same outcome doesn’t mean they have the same explanation
1-2f1b3a1 The question is not whether anomalies happened in the past, but whether we have explanations for such anomalies.
5-2c2b0 The truer and deeper the idea is, the more likely it will survive criticism, change in society, and withstand unpredictable consequences brought about by itself

Crazier connections:
You have to form your own Idea Maze. Only by going through your own constraints can you go further.
6-3a Ownership is not just about physical-digital asset, but about yourself
5-1b1a8 ‘Opportunity cost’ and ‘comparative advantage’ must be rooted in explanations. Never use them as ad hoc criteria.
5-2b2 You can’t flow to the most interesting if you react to everything that comes at you by default
3-1d6 Constraints in the form of consistent style leave space for creativity and progress
New theory is constrained in terms of what they can say, since it must either be consistent with existing theories, or contradict them but address the problems thereby raised. In short, new theories have to solve more problems than existent ones.
9-4b2a1b Build the Idea Maze - Explain the history around an idea, and why yours is a good one. Virtually render the history of the evolution of that idea.
3-1c1a Prioritize performance-oriented media (i.e., news-you-can-use, including tutorials and fitness-diet-sleep scoreboard which you have control) over consumption-oriented media

The original source is the following:
“For memes, ideas in people’s minds are replicators. Meme-based behaviors can be replicators, because we can guess the meaning of memes. For rational memes, knowledge is the replicator.”
Both societies based on anti-rational and rational memes will manifest varieties in their behaviors because the meaning of anything (knowledge-ideas-behaviors) cannot be uniformly interpreted, for that is the definition and ontology of knowledge (or more precisely, how information exist in the world). The difference is, in the latter society the origin of both variation and selection mechanism is somewhat understood and meme evolution is encouraged, while in the former society it is arbitrarily suppressed. In other words, anti-rational society suppress via the phenotype, while rational society is more about the genotype in the sense that what it cares about is knowledge creation per se, and less about the consequences of those creations.

We can interpret behaviors as symbols emanating from some meaning which exists as an idea in people’s minds, but they can never be replicated fully for two minds never hold the same problem-situation. Interpretations are sure to vary. Rational society is an attempt to grasp the knowledge at the core from the start. It welcomes the contingency and arbitrariness, in exchange for adhering to the objective reality.

When you replicate behaviors only: antirational society.
When you replicate the knowledge: rational society.