2-1b2b1 ‘Inversion’ - Avoid stupid obvious bullshit you’d regret in the future
RUL3 - Invert, always invert

7-1d1c You can be at the edge of the newest technology
7-1a6b Successful founders apply new technology to solve problems at edge cases

7-1b4b You can let the tech decide what are the problems to be solved. Otherwise, it will decide by itself. It’s about possibility and not about should.
[Let the tech decide because sooner or later it will. It’s about possibility and not about should]
**Once you’re good at some technology, when you look at the world you see dotted outlines around the things that are missing. You start to be able to see both the things that are missing from the technology itself, and all the broken things that could be fixed using it, and each one of these is a potential startup idea

Conflicts-contradictions-frictions are gateways to great ideas.

7-1b4c Don’t go looking for ‘great ideas’ without technology. Ideas are great insofar as they address problems. In other words, great ideas have to contribute to solving problems one way or another (and that often involves using technology)