9-2a3b Don’t pick up anything which has certain downside. Avoid bullshit.
10-2f3a2 There can only be enough overlap of meanings between any entities (e.g., individual, group, society, theory, reality) — ‘ゆらぎ’

9-4b2b1 We are free because we can create knowledge, and knowledge is unpredictable
9-4b2c You can host multiple memes both consequentially or simultaneously during your lifetime. A gene in contrast can be hosted only once per life-cycle.

Memes are subject to conscious variation (to be more precise, memes are to vary because two minds can never have the same problem-situation - we vary memes consciously but also unconsciously - or more precisely, we can’t help varying those memes - this is what it means to have the ability to guess and create meanings) and selection, and can be rejected intentionally, whereas genes are random and can’t be rejected.
10-2g3d1 Humans do stupid things because we can guess and create meanings. Other life-forms don’t have that ability to create knowledge actively. Our ability comes with a great cost of potentially doing very (infinitely) stupid things.

An individual can assume the role of universal explainer with memes, not with genes.

Not seeing much of a connection:
1-2f1b3a1 The question is not whether anomalies happened in the past, but whether we have explanations for such anomalies.