
Unpredictability ≠ intractability
Classical unpredictability ≠ quantum unpredictability

3-1c3a1 Tracing its beginning is as impossible as predicting the future
3-1c3a2 情報の起源に触れることは物理的に不可能
9-2a1 It doesn’t matter where you came from (or where you are); what matters is what you can do and where you are going
Because (to some extent physically) you can’tdevelop
1-2g1b What matters is the explanation, and not what you can see

1-2g2t6 The effect of interference on a history depends on what other histories are present (e.g., Mach-Zehnder interferometer)
9-4b2a1d A group of people who doesn’t know who they are and where they came from won’t make it to the moon or Mars
1-2g2s4 Everyday objects are partitioned into nearly autonomous histories with one instance-position-speed, but every atom in those objects is a multiversal object not partitioned (i.e., fungible)

On classical physics - “In practice we are never able to measure the initial positions and velocities perfectly … planetary motions … are untypical classical systems … to predict what a typical classical system will do after only a moderate period, one would have to determine its initial state to an impossibly high precision”
1-2g2t3c The effect of knowledge creation is significant both within a history (distance-independent) and across the multiverse (convergence)
9-1a1 People who converge upon the truth converge with each other

Deutsch: “Intractability is in principle a greater impediment to universality than unpredictability could ever be.”
Intractability is most clearly manifested in quantum phenomena that are highly predictable
It appeared as though no practical rendering is possible for environments that do show the effects of quantum interference. Feynman correctly drew the opposite conclusion!
FoR 9develop

5-1b2 Don’t invest in prediction, because knowledge is inherently unpredictable