1-1a5b4.3 build-launch-measure-learn and iterate - don’t restart
2-1b2 Play in different time horizon. That is, in the long-run.
2-1b2c ‘Compounding’ - Permeate across the timeline
6-3b2f Composability implies compounding

Also, on daily basis it helps to bridge between the end of one session to the beginning of the nextdevelop
E.g., the Hemingway bridge method, the importance of final reps (running, skiing, batting - anything)
3-1d6c Amara’s law modified - we underestimate the importance of consistency in the short-run, but overestimate in the long-run
9-4b3e3e ‘Friction and viscosity’ - Give THE problem as much attention as possible. Better UI-UX often can make innovation possible because users benefit from cognitive offload.

「継続すること ── リズムを断ち切らないこと。長期的な作業にとってはそれが重要だ。いったんリズムが設定されてしまえば、あとはなんとでもなる。しかし弾み車が一定の速度で確実に回り始めるまでは、継続についてどんなに気をつかっても気をつかいすぎることはない。」

3-1c1 Learning with intent to use them in the future (i.e., performance-output-oriented) filters down information, while constantly reminding you of the very problem-situation you are trying to solve and the very purpose that comes with it.develop