7-1d2a The relation between technology and the problem-situation (i.e., culture and mind) is reflexive
7-1d2b1 Both good (’the Golden 50s’ in the U.S.) and bad (Nazism and Communism) culture-mind were made easier by homogenized societal experiences with centralized technology
10-2g4 Cultures and languages are reflexive
8-1c4d5b There are many ways by which apps, platforms, and people can interact reflexively

Related in the sense that you have to develop some domain knowledge to see how everything can come together:
3-1d6 Constraints in the form of consistent style leave space for creativity and progress
9-4b2a1b Build the Idea Maze - Explain the history around an idea, and why yours is a good one. Virtually render the history of the evolution of that idea.
QUE5 - What are people in your field religious about, in the sense of being too attached to some principle that might not be as self-evident as they think. What becomes possible if you discard it.

QUE5 - What platforms are there. What makes people get on new platforms. What else can be deployed on that platform. (E.g., Crypto wallets and AR glasses)

E.g., ヴェネチアの商人+フィレンツェの公証人+ジェノヴァの複式簿記=情報経済学の起源
Implication for cryptocurrencydevelop

Crazy connections:
7-1d1 Apply the newest technology to the oldest problems. The best source of arbitrage is between the newest tech papers and the oldest books.
7-1a5a Finding some distribution arbitrage in your time and place is also a great source for growth
7-1b2a Arbitrage what’s been said vs what’s been bought
