10-2g2c1 Symbols are universal. Being arbitrary and contingent means it can represent anything, and do everything.

10-2g2e8 Abstractions require Popperian epistemology, to be error-correctable

1-2a3 Errors will occur, but have to be solvable-correctable.

But they have to be expressed with symbols. Symbols are arbitrary. But symbols are universal because of its arbitrariness, and it can represent anything including the abstract.

But the representation can never be perfect. Or more precisely, we create abstractions insofar as abstractions contain knowledge. In other words, abstractions are creation via abductions at the edge of explicability.

Abstracted means it can be expressed in arbitrarily many ways (multi-modally, as it were).
5-1b1a1c The relationship between knowledge in the abstract and technology (the physical mediator of such knowledge) is contingent
2-1a Information is in the difference. No difference, no information. 情報とは差異. 区別のないところに情報は生まれない.
10-2f3a2 There can only be enough overlap of meanings between any entities (e.g., individual, group, society, theory, reality) — ‘ゆらぎ’

Diagonal argument applies to the following:
5-1b1a2c Contingency cannot be exhaustively accounted for, because that amounts to predicting minds and knowledge
More precisely, that amounts to exhausting all possibilities. But that cannot be done.
Peirce: existence does not exhaust reality
5-2 What counts cannot be counted
1-1c6a1c The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence

Because it can be expressed in arbitrarily many ways, it is best to build upon already existent better explanations, rather than building something from scratch.
3-1d6 Constraints in the form of consistent style leave space for creativity and progress
10-2g5 Every invention is built up over time within culture
1-2g New theory is constrained in terms of what it can say, since it must either be consistent with existing theories, or contradict them but address the problems thereby raised
5-1b1a1 Improving on already existent technology by removing one of its restraints amounts to innovation