1-2g1b What matters is the explanation, and not what you can see
3-1c3a We are not interested in where the knowledge came from
9-2a1 It doesn’t matter where you came from (or where you are); what matters is what you can do and where you are going
10-2g2e4 Abstractions seem less ‘justified’ to the justified-true-belief misconception

5-1b2a The “Doubt-Avoidance Tendency” - people want certainty-predictability-control over accuracy-reality

1-2b0 Truth needs an explanation. Being true doesn’t mean you don’t need one.
1-2b0.5 We crave necessity because we are contingent
1-2b0.5a The best we can attain is belief, since truth cannot be guaranteed
1-2b1 Power cares about its past because the former is derived from the latter
1-2c New explanations are to be judged by how many more problems can be solved by it

RUL3 - Any system should be measured by how much it can help with whatever its output.
AN3C - Piraha doesn’t differentiate ‘reality’ and ‘dream’
9-2a1a キャラ (物語思考) ≠ キャリア (「自己分析」) — Don’t obsessed with where it came from, think about where it’s going)
3-1c3b1 You don’t take notes to know where the knowledge came from (justification), but to use it in the future, to solve problems.