10-2e0 Languages are theories. The vocabulary and grammar embody substantial assertions about the world.
10-2g4 Cultures and languages are reflexive
10-2g1f2a Our brains (including our emotions) and our cultures are related symbiotically through the individual, and that neither supervenes on the other
10-2f1 Chomsky’s UG approach only looks at a subset (syntax) of a subset (language) of the whole (communication system — ‘the gestalt’). Syntax is only secondary to conversation.

10-2d1d Humans are distinguished because of the syntax of their DNA (genomes)

’Grammar of society’develop
10-1c1 ‘Grammar of society’ - Society and culture are connected and constructed in grammar-like ways. Individuals are ‘fillers’ for slots in a culture-grammar.

1-2g1c3d Don’t judge a book by its cover. Read the whole context instead.