
7-1b2a1 We seem more willing to spend money on good fruit jam than on good software

1-2g1c4 Technology is what makes us humans
1-2g1c5 We don’t really know what constitutes human

6-3b When you own something, you have an incentive to invest in it
6-3a1 You have to own your own creation. The difference between creator and influencer is the gap of digital property rights.
6-3z A world without ownership is a world with less creativity and human flourishing

3-1c1b You are what you think and you think what you see, and you see what you think
When you visit it gives you different content from other users, because of the proprietary algorithm which curates what you see based on what you see on the internet. Even Google can give you different search-results from others depending on your profile and internet activities. Those platform companies are not really offering their services ‘for free’ because we were basically training a data set for such algorithms, then often even allowing them to shape our behaviors.
10-2g1f1 Natural selection can only operate on phenotypes (physical attributes) and not on genotypes (the knowledge bearing entity). The same (or similar) phenotypes doesn’t mean they share the same genotype.