
9-1b2 Inevitable meme variation is another reason why it’s impossible to predict how people will use your work and ideas
5-1b1a2 Some technology contains knowledge which can be universal. You can’t predict how people will use such technology.

9-2a3 Be long volatility with people
9-2a4 Specifically, be long volatility with people’s ability to create new knowledge

9-4b2a1f Two-way debate benefits from criticism
9-4b2a1e Be the outsider - 外部性・外来性を重視すること

7-1b4b5 Any kind of expertise is valuable, and some people will take unexpected action to capture that value such that it will be serendipitous to you

Ask: Are you an insurgent or an incumbent?
1-2f1b6 Volatility is good for insurgents (idiosyncratic disruptors) and bad for incumbents (legacy institutions)

Related mental modelsdevelop
2-1b2d ‘Trust’ - The most effective business is one with trust. Build one.
2-1b2e ‘Algorithms’ & ‘Replication’ - Share your problem-situation as clearly possible, so that others can make decisions without you on your behalf (i.e., multiply)

Knowledge is created individually. It can’t be taken.
9-1b You can’t really transfer your knowledge to others, because each knowledge has to be created individually
9-1b0 Knowledge (both explicit and inexplicit) is created individually. You don’t say “I took it from him.” You can’t blame “he took it from me.”