4-1a4b3 If you write down ideas, you can have a conversation with each one of them individually, or with any configurations from them
4-1a5c When you have your Second Brain, you can have a conversation with it

Two-way debate makes you realize the relation within your value structures
2-1a Information is in the difference. No difference, no information. 情報とは差異. 区別のないところに情報は生まれない.
3-1c2d Human knowledge is hierarchically structured. It’s a list but also about how things on the list relate to one another. The sum of what we know is greater than all things put together.
3-1c2e 情報は関係性の中にある - Meaning is often in relation to other things
Remember: look for surprises, and that configuration is arbitrarycategories
4-1a4b1 You are a configuration of ideas (both conscious and unconscious)

Two-way debate benefits from criticism, but more importantly it increases chance encounters with opportunities for abductions
1-1c5 Surprises are the doors to revealing the inexplicit and the unconscious
2-1a6c5 ‘Randomness’ is the opportunity to reason abductively
1-1a5a A real essay doesn’t take a position and then defend it (deductive). It starts with a question (abductive), in trying to figure something out.
1-1a5a1 The process of argument starts in the middle, and doesn’t start with axioms and end with the conclusion