8-2b Crypto will disrupt everything because it can change how organizations are formed, monetized, and exited. It could take decades to play out.
2-1a0c1g No lock-in = 去る者は追わない・追えない
12-1a2c Digital network can solve the problem of network defects (both as a failure and a political defection) because not constrained by the arbitrary state and its physical borders means it doesn’t get too big or too complex

Blockchain network > Corporate network
8-2d Network states (digital) can probably address the problem nation states (analog) inherently possess

6-3a1 You have to own your own creation. The difference between creator and influencer is the gap of digital property rights.

  • User ownership in corporate networks is an illusion
    • E.g., digital goods in Fortnite and League of Legends
      • I.e., goods are just borrowed and users are mere renters

In real life you quit but that quitting transfers one way or other to your next adventure because everything is connected
In contrast, video games without interoperability gives you the impression that success or failure in one area doesn’t translate into other areas
6-3b2a Interoperability implies compounding

6-3b2.1 State network ≈ Corporate network
You can’t easily quit the former, however

6-3b3a Networks with billions of owners are possible

6-3b3 Don’t think corporate network structure (especially its incentives) is the norm