8-1a What can go digital will go digital. Blockchain can shape different forms of trust (7-1d2a5 Tech shapes tech).

Vitalik: “To me, the goal of crypto was never to remove the need for all trust. Rather, the goal of crypto is to give people access to cryptographic and economic building blocks that give people more choice in whom to trust, and furthermore allow people to build more constrained forms of trust: giving someone the power to do some things on your behalf without giving them the power to do everything. Viewed in this way, multisig and social recovery are a perfect expression of this principle: each participant has some influence over the ability to accept or reject transactions, but no one can move funds unilaterally. This more complex logic allows for a setup far more secure than what would be possible if there had to be one person or key that unilaterally controlled the funds.

8-1b3b When software is in charge, designers can take full advantage of the expressivity of software
4-1a4b2b2b Blockchains enable thoughtful evolution based on immutable rules and credible neutrality