3-1c3d0 Break down into mini-projects, they become more actionable because they are less scary than bigger ones
2-1a0a ‘Occam’s razor’ & ‘Irreducibility’ - Simplify the problem but don’t oversimplify.
Etymology of the word ‘decision’ is de-sizing
3-1c3d1 Well-defined mini-projects can be recycled. Your future self won’t have to repeat himself for similar project.

But remember (again): 1-2 We are fallible
3-1b1 Occasionally revisit the problem itself. Occasionally check in on long-term.
3-1b1c Occasionally ask ‘am I working on what I most want to work on’
RUL3 - Bounded commitment - choose one best thing available, commit for predetermined time period, then revisit. Similar to balancing depth-first vs breadth-first in search algorithms. Think of your time as quantifiable resource like capital.

Often times, you let the unconscious leads you:
7-1c1 Intuition about which hill to climb is usually better than people realize
5-1b1a9 The Fun Criterion is an explanation

10-1a1b 行き詰らないとアブダクションできない
3-1d6 Constraints in the form of consistent style leave space for creativity and progress
1-2e1 Be ambitious but leverage what you already know
1-2f When you create better explanations, you discard the old ones

10-2g2c0e Synechism - the idea that everything is connected and nothing can be understood in isolation