3-1c1 Learning with intent to use them in the future (i.e., performance-output-oriented) filters down information, while constantly reminding you of the very problem-situation you are trying to solve and the very purpose that comes with it.
3-1c2a Your mind, including the unconscious, has to know the problems you explicitly have
9-2a2 You have to figure out where you are going by living abductively via surprises
5-2b1a2a Simplify the problem, but not too simply
3-1c3e1 There are emergent problems which will emerge as you go about life, that can only be accounted for with new explanations
3-1c3e2 Experience provides problems-concepts-knowledge

3-1c3d0 Break down into mini-projects, they become more actionable because they are less scary than bigger ones
3-1c3e However, you will always be solving the problem of what problems to solve because of your unconscious. Don’t be a reductionist in approaching problems themselves.

3-1c3d1 Well-defined mini-projects can be recycled. Your future self won’t have to repeat himself for similar project.

5-2b4a1 小局における矛盾も大局を鑑みると決して矛盾ではないという可能性

7-1a2b For startups, growth is a constraint much like truth
7-1a2d Optimizing for growth can lead to discovering startup ideas. It’s a form of evolutionary pressure.
2-1a2 See clearly - 解像度を高める