3-1c3c1 To create is to recombine. Innovation happens when ideas have sex (either between people or with one’s past ideas). Exchange is to technology as sex is to evolution.
3-1c3d3 When problems are so well defined, your future self might be able to solve new problems by reusing and recombining them
9-4b3e2 Concise explanations make it easier to criticize and combine ideas
AN3C - Recombination is 1,000x more effective than random mutation

10-2f1a We are making communication efficient not only combinatorically (syntax) but also semantically (by using context)

Explanations precede the decision of choosing what to combine!
5-2b4 Explanation (explicit or inexplicit) precedes both your options and choices

Genetic combinatorics aren’t truly random (digital) in comparison to our ability to create knowledge with explanations via symbols. Symbols are more universal than genetic code.

1-2f1b2 Composability allows incremental piecemeal error-correction
Maybe creativity is about finding out the order of things (of which there are always things left unexplicit)
3-1c2f In tech, most of the value is in the ordering, in the useful configuration of zeroes and ones, which users click to pay for it

3-1c2e0 There is no minimum idea
Understanding is recursive (1-1a1a Our mind is not necessarily composed linearly or hierarchically. It could be a connected web of nodes and reflexive.)
Deduction is not the best topology to depict human understanding, as it were!
1-1a4b0 Deduction can’t generate knowledge.
1-1a4 We don’t just take in ‘new things’ into our mind; at the same time, we recalibrate the framework with which such new inputs can be processed.

Remember how derivative markets are born. They are more than combining things.
Because 5-1b1a2c0.1 Perfect replication is impossible, and because we have the ability to detect differences as well as commonality, we always end up creating something new.develop
9-2b3g Edward Sapir - ‘The particular and the variable, rather than the universal or invariable, are where the intellectual gold is to be mined.‘

3-1c2e3 Infinite semiosis - ‘There is no beginning or end to symbols because it is recursive’