10-2g4 Cultures and languages are reflexive
10-2g1a Science emerged from culture
10-2g1b Science is headed towards less and less parochialism because we can be honest with what knowledge is. That is, towards universality.

10-2g2a Symbols are the original social contract
10-2g3 Symbols are shaped by social values, social knowledge, and social structures

10-1b6 Culture ⇒ Culturally invented symbols ⇒ Language (Culture invents things. Everyone is part of a culture. Every individual learning take place within culture. Every invention is built up over time, including language.)
Symbols ⇒ Languages (both are agreement, i.e., an arbitrary linkage between a form and a meaning)

There are universal-digital symbols and parochial-analog symbols. Symbols in the form of inexplicit are analog (e.g., actions), whereas symbols in the form of explicit, particularly those expressed with universal writing systems, are digital. Culture invents parochial-analog symbols (i.e., anti-rational memes) first. Language becomes truly universal-digital once it’s been written.

Somewhat related (each discusses symbols and anti-rational memes, respectively):
10-2f3a Learning human languages consists of constantly conjecturing-guessing the meaning of the words being used
10-2g3d Behaviors can be replicators even when its meanings are not (properly) understood, because we can guess the meaning of memes. For rational memes, knowledge is THE replicator.

Indexes are parochial-analog signs. Symbols are universal.
10-2g2c Indexes are physical because they merely ‘indicate’ and hence do not require culture. Symbols are cultural. Put differently, indexes are analog and symbols digital.