
1-2a We perceive nothing as what it really is, but only virtually
3-1d1 We must start with our own peculiar constraints
3-1d6 Constraints in the form of consistent style leave space for creativity and progress

1-1a2e7b You need some form of constraints to see anything:
10-2d1 The laws of physics are not necessarily to be expressed with current notation. The relation is arbitrary.
2-1b2f ‘Equivalence’ - Reality doesn’t care genealogy. Solving problems is what matters. How it’s done matters less.
10-2g2c1a Universality of symbols - if one specie can manipulate symbols, then that species can understand any other species who also use symbols
10-2d1a The regularity in nature can be expressed arbitrarily well either by the language of mathematics, natural language, or by computers (zeros and ones)
3-1a0 Use categories, but don’t be categorized
3-1a The reality doesn’t have categories, there are only problems to be solved. Be problem-project-oriented. ‘Academic subjects’ are mere social constructs.
Put differently: 1-1a2e7c You can’t help being cultural, but you don’t have to commit to any specific culture
10-2g3e We are, and will be, transitioning from anti-rational memes to rational memes
Somewhat crazy connection:
7-1c You are not committed to any specific problem. You are committed to figuring out something no one knew before. You are committed to the unpredictable.
9-4b2b1a We are free insofar as we can create knowledge

1-1a2e8a We see symbolically and not otherwise: