
6-3b When you own something, you have an incentive to invest in it

5-1b4c2a When you have an agency, you don’t get depleted. We aren’t powered by a battery.
4-1a4b6a1 Future self is enough of an audience
2-1b2c ‘Compounding’ - Permeate across the timeline

Ask: do you own what you work on? (E.g., TSE, GS/CS)
Ask: are you interoperable?
5-1b1a1c1 The interoperability law - information can be copied from any system that can embody information to any other such system, irrespective of the details (i.e., substrate-independent)
That is: are you universal?
9-4b2d1 Explanatory knowledge creation ≠ Biological knowledge (the former, specifically scientific knowledge, is more composable, and thus more universal)
1-2g2b Humans are significant insofar as we can create knowledge

6-3a2 How you have something can (and will) matter more than what (you think) you have (e.g., DEX vs CEX - DEX will counter Maximalists movement)
9-2b1 情報媒体が情報自体よりも情報力を持つこともある

6-3a3 The frontier will be on-chain
8-4b3 AI could one-box the entire internet