12-1d Flexible media will surface contingency
1-1c6a2a Don’t let how you work affect what problems you can work on
3-1c2e 情報は関係性の中にある - Meaning is often in relation to other things
10-2g2e9a The contingent relation between the form and the abstract can be only realized by digital systems. Analog systems cannot do this.
9-4b3e1 Concise explanations accelerate. It helps others understand you better and faster at all scales.
8-2d1b Forwardable insights can lead to network effects

3-1c2e0 There is no minimum ideadevelop
3-1c3d0 Break down into mini-projects, they become more actionable because they are less scary than bigger ones
1-2g2s7b3 An explanation for how something really works cannot rely on infinity
3-1c2e3 Infinite semiosis - ‘There is no beginning or end to symbols because it is recursive’
1-2g2s7b2 The laws of physics determine what’s rare-common, probable-improbable, finite-infinite
2-1a0a ‘Occam’s razor’ & ‘Irreducibility’ - Simplify the problem but don’t oversimplify.