1-2g2b5 The most significant universality is that of people. We are universal explainers, and possess the only kind of universality capable of transcending its parochial origins.
10-2g2c1a Universality of symbols - if one specie can manipulate symbols, then that species can understand any other species who also use symbols
10-2g2c0b There is no a priori - 直観は存在しない

1-1a2a1 Human nature is variable (Cultures ⇒ Flexible human brains ⇒ Variable dark matters ⇒ Variable ‘human natures’ ⇒ Cultures …)
1-2g1c3a Humans have no nature and no self apart from the experiences they have united in their memories (the Buddhist notion of anatman - ‘no self’)Buddhism
10-2g1f2a1 The question is what’s the brain in NOT what’s in the brain

The Turing principle + Symbols = Knowledge creation:
1-2g2p The laws of physics, by conforming to the Turing principle, make it physically possible for those same laws to become known to physical objects. Thus, the laws of physics may be said to mandate their own comprehensibility.
10-2g2c1 Symbols are universal. Being arbitrary and contingent means it can represent anything, and do everything.

1-2f1a3c A central flaw in Kantian philosophy = the doctrine that certain truths about the physical world could be ‘known a priori’ - that is to say, without doing science
1-1a2b Everett on Kant - His notion of categories is best translated into an inborn ability of humans to generalize and learn by any means. Humans are born to be learners. Individual humans have innate capacities to adjust to the world.