Put differently, the reality always slips out of our virtual-reality
5-1b1a2c0 No theory can exhaust reality

1-2g2j1a Because we can only be with the virtual-reality, all our renderings will be inaccurate
1-2f1b2 Composability allows incremental piecemeal error-correction
1-2f1b1 Digital system is composable
1-2f1b3 Merely dropping a theory because it doesn’t work is behaviorism and is not error-correction. It’s analog reasoning in disguise. You need explanation.
1-2f1b3a Deutsch - ‘Nor is a person capable of making progress merely by virtue of being willing to drop a theory when it is refuted; one must also be seeking a better explanation of the relevant phenomena. That is the scientific frame of mind.‘

1-2g2j1b Accuracy in virtual reality = The relationship between theory and experiment in science. That is, you can never prove-experience-measure-certify that it’s accurate-true program.
1-2f1b4 The content of a theory is in what it rules out (and how!)

1-2g2s7b You can’t justify the predicted value of the probability inductively, because theory (i.e., the laws of physics) provides the probability, not the experiment

2-1a Information is in the difference. No difference, no information. 情報とは差異. 区別のないところに情報は生まれない.