2-1a6c0 If you don’t create an explanation, you will be enmeshed in the situation (analog). You have to transcend your situation-culture-parochiality by explanations (digital). Explanation is the way to universality.

10-2g2e9b DNA is digital system which evolves by discrete changes. If it were analog, evolution couldn’t have happened.

2-1a Information is in the difference. No difference, no information. 情報とは差異. 区別のないところに情報は生まれない.

Indexes are analog signs, because they can’t differentiate themselves from what’s been referred to. There is no difference between the meaning and the form as they exist in symbols.
10-2g2c Indexes are physical because they merely ‘indicate’ and hence do not require culture. Symbols are cultural. Put differently, indexes are analog and symbols digital.
Meaning exists because of arbitrariness-contingency

The multiverse is digital, in the sense how each universe in the multiverse exists arbitrarily (i.e., my universe could’ve existed otherwise). Conceptualizing only one universe amounts to being analog.
1-2g2t3e Other life-forms can’t permeate across the multiverse because biological knowledge is primarily about the surrounding environment and its correspondence within THAT universe, and the latter is subject to ‘randomness’