2-1d ‘Ecosystem’ & ‘Thermodynamics’ & ‘Double-entry bookkeeping’ - Everything is connected, there is no free lunch
3-1a4 Explanatory means it will span across ‘boundaries’
3-1a The reality doesn’t have categories, there are only problems to be solved. Be problem-project-oriented. ‘Academic subjects’ are mere social constructs.

9-1a2 Most fairly good ideas are adjacent to even better ones
9-4d A good essay = importance (do I want it) + novelty (did you think about it a lot) + correctness + strength

10-2g1g Scientific knowledge implies location-time-scale-independent applicability
1-2g2t3c The effect of knowledge creation is significant both within a history (distance-independent) and across the multiverse (convergence)
5-1b1a2 Some technology contains knowledge which can be universal. You can’t predict how people will use such technology.
5-1b1a1a Technology is about how to do things differently. Some technology can be more universal than others, but it can never be perfectly universal.
7-1a1b Theoretical physics has that universal applicability because the laws of physics apply to all things physical
8-1c4 ‘Killer application’ is knowledge-technology-universality that begets reflexivity between app-platform-people by pushing people over the threshold
8-1a What can go digital will go digital