5-1b1b1a5 ‘Come for the tool, stay for the network’ tactic
6-3b2 In corporate networks you can only quit
2-1a0c1g No lock-in = 去る者は追わない・追えない

6-3b3g1 Network effects also affect blockchain networks
But 6-3b2f Composability implies compounding and 6-3b3e Everyone benefits in blockchain and protocol networks

6-3b2h ‘Trademarks, patents, and copyrights’ - If secrecy were the only protection for ideas, companies wouldn’t just have to be secretive with other companies; they’d have to be secretive internally.

Colin Armstrong: “Developers of web2 writing platforms could try to pull in all discussion from social media and display it on the article itself, but social media companies offer no (or limited) APIs to grant access to this functionality. Twitter, for example, limits the number of tweets you can query per month, and charge an exorbitant amount for access.”