1-1a2 Our mind is flexible
1-2g2p The laws of physics, by conforming to the Turing principle, make it physically possible for those same laws to become known to physical objects. Thus, the laws of physics may be said to mandate their own comprehensibility.
3-1a2 The problem itself doesn’t care how it’s solved. Everything should be structured around solving problems.
2-1b2f ‘Equivalence’ - Reality doesn’t care genealogy. Solving problems is what matters. How it’s done matters less.
10-2g2c0a Universal systems retain the capacity to represent knowledge that is not yet created, thus can be useful in the future.
10-2g2c0 A system is universal if it contains enough expressibility to represent anything. It can do anything and everything.
10-2g2c1 Symbols are universal. Being arbitrary and contingent means it can represent anything, and do everything.
10-2g1f2a Our brains (including our emotions) and our cultures are related symbiotically through the individual, and that neither supervenes on the other
1-1a2e3 Cultures are evolution’s ultimate solution to the problem of providing adaptive flexibility

1-1a2d An innate capacity to learn ≠ Specific (‘parochial’) knowledge