9-2b3e4 Specific knowledge ≠ Universality (Remember: 9-2b3e3 There is no universal knowledge)
We probably shouldn’t call it ‘parochial’ knowledge
3-1c1d8 Sentiment (both macro and micro) is important and should be measured

1-1a2e The mind is universal, that means domain specific genes are unlikely

1-1a2d1 The Turing principle allows ‘learning’ to take place, but it doesn’t care how:
1-2g2p The laws of physics, by conforming to the Turing principle, make it physically possible for those same laws to become known to physical objects. Thus, the laws of physics may be said to mandate their own comprehensibility.
9-4b2a1a Brains mimic the evolution of life, both generally and literally
1-2g2b1 Constructor Theory defines knowledge independent of people
5-1b1a2c1 Principles are meta-contingency. Whatever can happen can happen regardless of how.
2-1b2f ‘Equivalence’ - Reality doesn’t care genealogy. Solving problems is what matters. How it’s done matters less.

Somewhat crazy connections (we learn by imitation but we can also learn universal knowledge):
10-1b4a Learning is imitation and testing
10-1b4b Learning = ミメシス + パロディア
2-1b2e1 Understanding comes from copying the information-knowledge as information-knowledge medium; not from copying the substrate
2-1a6c0 If you don’t create an explanation, you will be enmeshed in the situation (analog). You have to transcend your situation-culture-parochiality by explanations (digital). Explanation is the way to universality.
Universality (Timeless) > Parochiality