If you really see the causation between your thoughts clearly, you should be able to undo them (9-4b2a1d0.3 The essence of analysis is articulation - 分析の本質は分節). After all, 12-1e Nothing is necessary = Everything is contingent.

Similar logic applies in understanding history. Enlightenment is in understanding why such and such events are happening. The biggest difference with personal enlightenment is that it’s way tougher to undo historical chain of events. It’s easier to change your perspective than changing history. But we exist in specific historic moment, and cannot get away with history.

Where your knowledge came from per se doesn’t really matter, but understanding where it came from does matter, to an extent that it allows you to see the connections and causation between your own thoughts. The process matters more than the location.

Tips: 5-1b4c4 Pay attention to your ‘taboos’ - If there is something you fear unconsciously, you have to face it