2-1a6 ‘Incentives’ - Incentives drive (almost) everything. Understand your incentives.
2-1a6a Understanding incentives amounts to understanding its culture
10-2g1 Culture is an implicit theory for its members. It dictates what to look at and how they reason about the world.
4-1d0 Look at the whole of conversations, including how things are being said as well as what’s not being said (e.g., taboos)
3-1a2a Culture (be it individual-company-country) should be built around solving problems. Incentives should be built around solving problems.

2-1a1a3a You’re the average of your five closest friends OR You’re the average of the people whose content you consume the most
3-1c1b You are what you think and you think what you see, and you see what you think

4-1a Don’t ask question but start with one
Remember: 4-1a5b Your problems precede any conversations, 3-1a3a Start with problems instead of opinions. The latter usually comes with confirmation bias.

Crazy connection:
3-1c2e3 Infinite semiosis - ‘There is no beginning or end to symbols because it is recursive’develop
10-1b4.1 Peirce - One needs ‘interpretant’ for language to get off the grounddevelop