3-1c3c4 ‘Tendency to distort due to liking or disliking’ - Never be ashamed of citing a bad author if the line is good.
1-2f1b1 Digital system is composable
1-2f1b2 Composability allows incremental piecemeal error-correction
12-1c Open source means more composability means more digitizeable and measurables

1-1a5b4.1 Shipping early means cognitive offload means key moment

Ship often, iterate fast, and move fast
1-1a5b5 Shipping perfection means you are too late - you have to find a balance of finding the right moment and being fixable
9-4e2c Figure out what’s really worth automating-delegating first, before automating-delegating anything

9-1b0a When you have learned something, the way it exists in your mind is the same as the way it exists in the mind of the inventor
2-1b2f ‘Equivalence’ - Reality doesn’t care genealogy. Solving problems is what matters. How it’s done matters less.

8-1c2a What matters is the creativity per se, because non-creative parts will be made easier
2-3b ‘Leverage’ - The effort put in and its utility-results doesn’t have to correlate at all. Use this to your advantage.

RUL3 - The transparency principle - make your decision-making process as visible and open to scrutiny as possible
RUL3 - “Always produce” is a good heuristic for finding the work you love
RUL3 - Love bad news. Always question to falsify your idea and theory. Invalidate ASAP. How fast you can invalidate matters as much as how fast you can build them. Rule out bad explanations.