1-1a5b4.4 Real-time calibration (i.e., recalibration) lets you adapt to the changing landscape

First of all, not many people build. Remember 3-1c1d0a Zipf’s law distribution = Passive consumption make up 99% of activities on the internet, and less than 1% even comment on content, and much less than THAT actually create something new.

Make something, show it to others (really just showing), analyze analytically vs emotionally (don’t get too attached because 9-4b2a1d0.3 The essence of analysis is articulation - 分析の本質は分節), and get feedback.

Even for those rare people who build stuff, most of them get stuck on the creation part. But you have to go through the whole build-launch-measure-iterate loop. Don’t get stuck inside the loop. You have to iterate before pivot. You have to learn from your own creation by asking from your ppl on what to create/add next, and use that insight for your next loop.

When you invert this, it also means that you should 1-1a5b4.3a Pick iterable projects (for you) (RUL3 - Invert, always invert).

9-4b3a Write a bad version 1.0 as fast as you can
9-4b3e3b Emphasize ease of use over perfection. Embrace iterative minimalism.
7-1a1a1 Imaginary problems lead to ‘investment’ and ‘work’ - don’t indulge with them
7-1a1a2 Solve your own problems. Otherwise you’ll lose time and money without self-indulgence alarms going off.
1-1a5b5 Shipping perfection means you are too late - you have to find a balance of finding the right moment and being fixable
9-2a1.1 Idea is direction. Execution is speed.

6-3b2a Interoperability implies compounding
2-1b2c ‘Compounding’ - Permeate across the timeline
9-4b2a1c The moment you write about any societal problem in depth you’ll find yourself writing a history of that problemdevelop

How to get feedbacks (The Mom Test):