10-1 Thick descripting history — other configurations — ‘contingent others’ — 【別様の可能性】
9-4b2a1b Build the Idea Maze - Explain the history around an idea, and why yours is a good one. Virtually render the history of the evolution of that idea.
9-4b2a1c The moment you write about any societal problem in depth you’ll find yourself writing a history of that problem

10-2g2c1 Symbols are universal. Being arbitrary and contingent means it can represent anything, and do everything.

2-1a6c0 If you don’t create an explanation, you will be enmeshed in the situation (analog). You have to transcend your situation-culture-parochiality by explanations (digital). Explanation is the way to universality.
4-1a4b2b Being reactive is like being analog in the heat of the moment

6-3b3a Networks with billions of owners are possible
Dan Romero on the state of social networks (Farcaster): It’s like we’re back to 2008, back when Twitter was still open protocol, but with different option - blockchain technology - available.

10-1b4c ミメシス is analog-indexical, パロディア is digital-iconical, アナロギア is digital-symbolicaldevelop

10-1a6 History is the analysis of the log files