Dark matter consists of ineffable and unspoken. The former consists of hunches and posture preferences, while the latter include our liking certain (e.g., spicy) foods
Somewhat crazy connection
5-1b1a2c0.2 Analogue information (e.g., tones of voice, EQ) cannot be perfectly-exhaustively represented by digital systems (e.g., universal writing systems)

A case for field research
2-1a3 ‘Seeing the front’ - Incorporate what can’t be explicated
5-2b4b You have to keep finding surprises

  • Pike’s emicization

    • The emic vs. etic
      • Etic: outsider
        • The etic approach = ‘Comparative’
      • Emic: insider
        • The emic approach = ‘Culturally specific, applied to one language or culture at a time’
  • Individual apperceptions + A ranked-value, linguistic-based model of culture ⇒ Human unconscious

  • Culture articulates the unconscious via emicization, learning how and that, value rankings, knowledge structures, and social relations and roles across various groups