You can replace ‘interpretant’ with ‘culture’
9-2b3a There is no universal culture, because culture is contingency (文化 = 上澄み)
There is no universal interpretant (9-2b3e2 There is no universal symbol-idea (in the sense of capable of conveying universal meaning))develop

10-1b4 Children concentrically embody their ever-widening knowledge structures by testing the degree of its correspondence in comparison with other members of the society
3-1d6e You can only progress within the context of your own specificity. You can’t progress objectively, although you can progress towards the objective knowledge.
1-1a2e7b You need some form of constraints to see anything

5-1b1a1c4 The interoperability laws (i.e., substrate-independent formulation of information) are more detailed exposition of the Turing principle
Quantum information (qubit) and interpretant. What is information? Can there be ‘core’ of information which doesn’t admit any ‘interpretant’?
3-1c2e0 There is no minimum idea

Interpretants are constructed of other interpretants
3-1c2e5 Symbols are constructed of other symbols
3-1c2e3 Infinite semiosis - ‘There is no beginning or end to symbols because it is recursive’

And one needs ‘interpretant’ to understand anything (e.g., conversation as well as non-verbal communication ):
To answer someone’s question thoroughly, he has to understand why the questioner is asking HIM the question, as well as the context of how that question has emerged. And you can’t really understand any of them fully because that will demand exhaustive description of the counterpart, which is impossible (5-1b1a2c0 No theory can exhaust reality, partly because 5-1b1a2c0.1 Perfect replication is impossible). This is why culture is essential for any communication (both verbal and non-verbal) to go through, because without shared values and assumptions, communication becomes too burdensome. Culture begets interpretant.
Again, you can replace interpretant with culture!develop
1-1a5b2.1 Be very mindful of where you ‘experiment’; one of the most important decisions you can make is who you get feedbacks from (as well as ask questions of)
10-2e Languages are theories about the world and enmeshed in assumptions.